Friday, July 30, 2010

As I sit here in the airport musing about my Melbourne experience, the airline announces that my flight has been delayed yet again. Melbourne must be having as much trouble letting me go as I am her…perfect time to write another update.

When I look back on it I am truly blown away by everything that has happened here. It’s like the universe just smiled upon me and gave me the most incredible working experience I could have hoped for…an office in the heart of CBD (what they call downtown – “Central Business District”) with an incredible view of the of the city and the ocean, the most amazing/fun/generous people as coworkers, and exposure to the Aussie way of life as a direct participant, rather than an outside traveler. Three weeks ago I was saying sad goodbyes to everyone at BDO as my temporary assignment was up….only to receive a call from them the following Monday inviting me back for another assignment. I worked with the Wealth Management team and thank my lucky stars for it as I met the most amazing friends – Mizz Sharon Esquamel and her husband “Smaq”. There was an adventure to the first Australian Costco (sadly the American obsession with instant gratification in the form of ‘how much can I accumulate and consume’ are now packaged and marketed here in the land down under) and a Sing Star competition that lasted well into the wee hours of the morning…Jeffrey and Chris, it reminded me of the old late night Rock Band wars at the House of Bruce! I have been blown away by their generosity, especially Kerry who has truly looked after me like a mum, and opened her home to me. I’m going to miss coming home and watching TV with her and a glass of wine so much!

Joey and I had a blast during his visit - my favorite was the night we stumbled into a bar that had a band playing called Soul Tribe. We were the first ones there, and the last ones to leave – this band rocked the joint with the likes of Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, George Clinton, John Lee Hooker, even some of their own stuff…I made sure everyone was dancing. The band was aptly named! Joey and I also ventured to a Guns N Roses tribute concert on the 4th of July – I mean, what better way to celebrate our great nation’s birthday? I’m posting a video of a fan who valiantly attempted but bitterly failed a stage dive – towards the end of November Rain. Do yourself a favor and watch it; hysterical. We did few touristry things; but my favorite find was the State Library of Victoria. Absolutely gorgeous, and it was literally something straight out of Harry Potter – they have their “special” books in book cases on the walls all the way to the ceiling; only attendants know where the door, key, and staircase was to each one. I could have lived very happily in that room.
After Joey left and I was preparing to leave Melbourne, I turned up the tourism a few notches. I saw the Tim Burton exhibition – absolutely amazing – that guy has one of the most brilliant creative minds I’ve ever been exposed to. It included some of his drawings and writings from highs chool, as well as some costumes from his movies…the scissor hands, the sculptures from Beetlejuice (one of my favorite childhood movies!), etc.

I went to an Australian Rules Footy game between #1 Collingwood and #3 St. Kilda. It was a brilliant match but in the end my St. Kilda team did not win. Their games are very different…firstly they don’t wear pads/helmets, it’s very “full on”, as they say. The field is enormous – bigger that a regulation soccer field. They kick and punch the ball to each other down the field – it’s like a combination of soccer and our football – and it is a constant scramble, rarely is the game stopped. I bought a ticket for $20 and went to the general admission area, where you could sit anywhere you found a seat…it was a packed house. They don’t divide everyone into home and visitor sections; instead fans from both sides are interspersed all throughout the stadium. No cheerleaders. Very different. In fact, their universities don’t even have footy teams – if you want to be a football player, you join your local neighborhood club and play as a kid…through the years they keep their eye on you, and if you try out and make the team, well then you’re in. Doesn’t seem to be nearly as regulated or money hungry as ours…and each team is from a suburb, not a city – for example Melbourne itself had something like 15 teams; St. Kilda, Collingwood, Carlton…very different. But very fun.

I took a day tour drive along the Great Ocean Road; so many gorgeous landmarks out there. The land itself was something that I would have imagined in Ireland – lush, green rolling hills with sheep grazing in paddocks. Nothing like the barren desert we see in pictures! But apparently Victoria has had more rain this year than the last 15; I would like to thank the clouds for making it so gorgeous. We saw Bell’s Beach (remember that from Point Break? Ah, Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze...) the 12 Apostles (rock formations rising out of the ocean) a rain forest and even a whale.
Also hit up the Queen Victoria Markets – I would describe it as an acre of fresh produce, meats, cheeses, wine, etc – and the Rememberance Shrine, a tribute to all of the Australians who have fallen in war. That was the most meaningful to me; with two grandfathers who have served, I stood in awe and respect reading about Australia’s war history. Such a waste of precious lives – I hope someday we will learn to live defining ourselves by our commonalities rather than our differences. And then killing each other over them.

There is just too much to relay! I am now in Brisbane – it’s taken a few days to write this update – and MAN! I love it! Spent the first few nights here Couch Surfing. A friend recommended it in Austin, and I absolutely love this organization. Their slogan is “changing the world, one couch at a time.” It’s a way for travelers to see a city or area through a native’s eyes, and meet and connect with people from all over the world. I’ve stayed at two different houses – complete opposite ends of the social spectrum – and made some amazing friends out of it. Yes, you of course need to be careful and use your best judgment – but they have security checks, etc. It’s a great way to connect people and expand horizons. I’ve met up with Joey again here in Brizzy, and as usual it has been great…just been seeing the sights and hanging out with friends – as luck would have it, Jonny Napoli is in Brisbane this weekend too! As this guy was my tour driver six long years ago through Europe, I have officially seen him in more places on this earth than anyone else – 13 different countries, and now three different cities in Oz – Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane. He has one of the biggest and best hearts on the planet – I am so very thankful for our friendship. Don’t let that big scary tattoo fool you.

My Brizzy excursion is coming to a close; Joey has already headed north to Cairns (pronounced Caaaaaaaaaans) and I was planning on going with him…but….(drum role please) I have landed the best gig EVER!!! I am leaving on Tuesday to go to Windorah, QLD. ( I will be behind the bar at this hotel pub: . It is a six week assignment, and seeing as I have to take a 24 hour train to get there and then have someone give me a ride for the final six hours to Windorah, I think it’s safe to say I am truly heading to the Outback, at long last. There is a tiny mention of Windorah in my Lonely Planet Australia book: “Windorah. Either really wet or really dry.” The end. I AM SO EXCITED! This is exactly one of the experiences I was looking for. If you don’t hear from me for six weeks – it’s because I’m meditating in isolation on the red dirt of the Australian Outback. Or maybe it’s because I’m getting crazy with the locals. Either way, sounds good to me. :)

I am thoroughly impressed if you have made it this far! Not sure if I’ll have internet access in the Outback but I’ll try to find some. After that I plan on working on a horse farm, we’ll see how we go. I hold all of you in my heart everyday and am so thankful for the amazing friends and family I have supporting this journey. Couldn’t do it without yous.
In closing, some more Aussie isms that I have recently learned:

1. Crook – not well, a little off. “Mate are you coming down with a cold? You sound a bit crook.”
2. “Up and down like a fart in a bottle” – similar to our “running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off”
3. Poet’s Day – Friday; as in “Piss off early bc tomorrow’s Saturday”
4. Fig Jam (Maturity rating R so mothers hide your children’s eyes) Fuck I’m Good Just Ask Me. Heard “Fig Jam” a lot around the office.

That’s all for now folks. Lots of love to everyone. See you on the other side.
TA. :)

1 comment:

  1. Love the Aussieisms, especially number 3 and 4 - can you imagine that in US Uncle D offices... LOL.
