Sunday, March 28, 2010

Great Aussie Adventure Part 3

WOW. There is so much to convey I literally don’t know where to start. I’m just going to write it all…if you make it the whole way through, good on’ya! Warning: this update will be largely dedicated to The Dead Weather. But first…

I have been living with Helen, one of the coolest 80 year old ladies I ever did meet, here in Chatswood – a very nice and family oriented suburb of Sydney. The city is a quick 10 minute train ride away, and I have to be honest – I’M LOVING IT. After all the hoopla and running from friends’ places to hostels and back and forth and packing and unpacking and sharing bathrooms and being woken up at all hours of the night when drunken travelers are returning from 24 hour bars…living with Helen is like a true vacation. I have my own gorgeous bedroom and big, wall-length bay window that opens up to a balcony…and my own bathroom. After being a nomad for five weeks, I cannot begin to describe the luxury I feel like I’m being cradled in. I also thoroughly enjoy being of service to Helen. She just recently came down with asthma, which has really slowed her down…it frustrates her, as she likes to get out and do things, be active. Sometimes she gets down, so I do my best to always bring her cheer and make her laugh – every now and then she cracks a smile for me, which is payment enough. I really enjoy cooking her dinner, though she is brutally honest – she doesn’t like the way I cook spinach! And my vegan tendencies are very “interesting” to her. When we first met and I told her I was a vegetarian, she said oh yes, I don’t eat much meat either…just steak at night. I giggled.

Another thing I love about living here is that I get to drive her to appointments, to meet friends, to shop. Something happened, the whole driving on the left hand side of the road thing clicked – it’s natural now. I even take the car into town by myself to pick up things for her. I feel like a real citizen of the world again.

I’ve joined the local library and am tearing it up…I’ve rented all kinds of music books and literature, learning about the Aussie music scene and the impact of the digital age here…as well as some Sherlock Holmes. I was reading Rob Roy, but after having to turn to the index after every sentence to translate the old Scottish dialect that Sir Walter Scott created, I’ve moved on.

I continue to enjoy the sights and sounds of Sydney…it took me three days to get through the New South Wales Art Gallery; not only was the art unbelievable, but it was FREE!!!! A backpacker’s dream! Plus they had an absolutely incredible exhibition by NSW high school students. I was blown away. I’m posting pictures on Facebook for you art lovers – but be advised I have about 200+ pictures to upload, so if you make it to the art photos, I’ll be very impressed. I also spent a few days lingering around the Botanical Gardens, and reading and writing there. The gardens are also free, and packed with people in business suits during the lunch hour, either walking back to work after eating or breaking bread together on the grounds. Every day in Sydney during lunch you will find people in business suits playing footie in a park, or cricket, or eating their lunch…they really do get out of the office and enjoy some sunshine and down time. I love it. Also, fair warning with the Botanical Gardens pictures…there are a lot of trees featured. I love trees in general but I have never seen any like they have here in Oz. Absolutely incredible, like something straight out of Avatar.

Speaking of Avatar, or mass marketed 3-D animation, I saw Alice in Wonderland at the Darling Harbor IMAX, which claims to be the “largest IMAX screen in the world”. I loved the movie, but I’m gonna have to say that the good ole Bob Bullock Theater seems larger to me, from memory. What do we say, everything’s bigger in Texas? Indeed.

All right folks…and now…THE DEAD WEATHER. Most of you are aware that Jack White has been a sort of musical guru for me since I was 18 (as he is with thousands of music aficionados out there). He serves as drummer for this band, with Dean Fertita (Queens of the Stone Age) on guitar/keyboard, Jack Lawrence on bass (The Greenhornes) and the vixenalicious Alison Mosshart (The Kills) on vocals. They announced their Australia tour after I booked my flights over here – talk about Universe in alignment! I immediately snatched up tickets to see them in Melbourne and Sydney…

Two weekends ago I flew to Melbourne for the first show. This was exciting for several reasons…1.) It was my first time to see The Dead Weather perform since last fall 2.) I was getting out of Sydney and finally seeing another part of Australia and, the most important reason of all…3.) I WAS REUNITED WITH LISA! Lisa is an amazing friend that I met travelling in Europe – deep breath – six long years ago. We did a European tour together. First day on the bus, she boards, approaches the empty seat next to me, and says “Right. This seat taken?” The rest is history. She’s been to visit me in the states. To finally be able to see her again, and in her own environment, was amazing. We’ve both grown and changed, and yet at the same time we fell right back into our groove with each other. She joined me for the concert – and after never having heard of them, she walked away thoroughly impressed. The weekend passed by too fast but I’ll be back with her soon – she’s been kind enough to open her home to me for when I move to Melbourne. I’ll be staying there for about a month while I’m interviewing for jobs at the local record stores and live music venues…(more to come on Melbourne later when I’m actually living there – but just briefly – IT KICKS ASS)

Back in Sydney the following Friday, the day of The Dead Weather show, they announced another show the following night…thank GOD I checked my email that day, otherwise I wouldn’t have heard about it. I received an email notification from them describing “an intimate showing at the Oxford Art Factory”…intimate show with The Dead Weather? I’m there. I went to their show that night at the Enmore Theater in Newtown which is the area near Sydney University, super young and hip with lots of restaurants and nightlife around. The show rocked; there were a few mishaps with the drums, but not to be thwarted, Jack got up with maracas and just sang the song himself…the crowd was on fire. Watching bands like The Dead Weather perform is always such a thrill because there is such an exchange of energy that happens…the crowd fuels the band, and the band pours that back into the crowd. We end up being there not only as patrons or fans, but as an integral part of the show; our participation helps them dig down and release the sounds or vibrations we help inspire in them…ahhhh I LOVE IT! After the show I noticed some people gathering outside the back of the venue, waiting for the band to come out. There were enough people there that I figured well, if they don’t want to talk to us, they will let us know. Ladies and gents, I met my guru. A roady came out and requested that we not take any pictures and no autographs; the band needed to get home…and then they came. Jack said hi first; there was this young hipster kid with super tight too-low jeans and oober blow dried peroxide blonde hair…when Jack shook his hand the boy croaked out something like “I love you Jack” to which Jack responded “ahh you” and pulled him in for a quick bear hug and then ruffled his hair. It was a sweet moment to watch, and the kid practically started crying. I just said, God bless ya, Jack.…I mean, how do you say “Thank you Jack for being an antenna and following your inspiration and helping me trust that instinct in myself for all of these years, and for the brilliant music you’ve brought us and for all of the cool things you’re doing for music with Third Man Records” ...with sincerity in a few short words? I’m sure he hears that all the time. Perhaps he's tired of hearing it. He replied “Thank you sweetheart” and shook my hand. I would be lying if I said it didn’t make my little girl’s heart swell, though I’m sure he said the same thing to every other lady there. It was a real thrill and honor meeting Dean and Alison too, they were super cool. Very generous with their fans. It was a good night.

Which brings me to their final show, at the Oxford Art Factory. People, I have no words. No words to describe the joy, the gratitude, the amazement I feel at the whole thing. The venue room was about as big as my house on South Oak – TINY!!! There were, maybe (?) 150 people in the whole room. TINY. The stage was so small they couldn’t even have all of their equipment on, and no back drop. I got there early and walked right to the front of the stage, arms resting on the rail – when they came on, I couldn’t believe it. They were practically in my lap. I’m not going to go on and on and gush here, except to say that it was an experience I will carry with me forever, and one of the many reasons that I’m so obsessed with music. The way it feels to be a part of a show like that, you’re actually helping them with the creation, you are a part of the creation itself. I took some amazing videos and photos, all of which will be on Facebook…I’m going to try to upload one video here. It was the best live music experience of my life.

I know a lot of you are going to see them at Stubbs when they come to town in April…if you aren’t, I would (obviously) recommend it. Not only do they ALL have talent oozing out of every pore, but they also create this really fun “world”…I remember Austin M. described it like “they create this dark, sinister world but play with it…its dark and freaky but at the same time safe and playful”. I couldn’t agree more. They are all very much in character during the show; Jack tried hard to never even make eye contact with the audience and Alison…well, you’ll see. :) Of course overriding all of this is their incredible sound, a fabulous mix of hard rock and roll with yearning and poignant blues boiling up to the surface here and there…go see it for yourself, people!!!! April at Stubbs!

So! So. Here we are at the end. I’ve been looking forward to The Dead Weather shows so much ever since I got here, it’s going to be weird to not have them looming anymore. But I have a lot to do, things to accomplish, other music to scope out, puzzles to solve, joy to live out. I’m staying here with Helen for a few more weeks – I’m loving the quiet life I’m afforded here, it’s a good break – and then I’ll be on to Melbourne.

Once again, I’m reminded how lucky I am to have all of you in my life, and how lucky I am for being from the best city in the world – Austin, TX. I have been very homesick lately. It’s a good feeling, it drives me to focus and appreciate what I’m doing here even more, so that when I come home I’ll have that much more to give. Love to you all - I’ll write again as soon as I can. It’s a bit difficult because Helen doesn’t have internet (she’s still confused as to what it even is…when she needs me to call her daughters, she asks me to “email” them on her phone…it’s quite endearing). I’ll send another update as soon as I can.



  1. “they create this dark, sinister world but play with it…its dark and freaky but at the same time safe and playful”...reminds me 3304 South Oak B

  2. Awww! Helen sounds like a great roomie! It sounds like you're getting to do a ton over there. I'll definitely have to check out Dead Weather. Hope all is well down under. :)
    -Laura Alvanipour
